Applied Language Studies

(Département de Langue et Littérature Anglaises)


Coordonnateur pédagogique de la filière
Professeur Reddad ERGUIG

The main objectives of this Master's program are
  • -To equip students with broad skills in the area of language and linguistics;
  • -To provide them with the opportunity to become familiar with contemporary approaches to the study of language and to develop critical, in-depth comprehension and analysis of theoretical and descriptive disciplines of linguistics;
  • -To develop their language background and skills in translation.
Master's program major modules

Semestre 1

Semestre 2

M1 Phonetics
M2 Morphology & Syntax
M3 Psycholinguistics
M4 Translation Studies
M5 Applied Linguistics
M6 Research Methods in Applied Language Studies

M7 Phonology
M8 Advanced Syntax
M9 Second Language Acquisition
M10 Discourse Analysis
M11 Sociolinguistics
M12 Research Design and Statistics

Semestre 3

Semestre 4

M13 Advanced Phonetics & Phonology
M14 Comparative Syntax
M15 Experimental Linguistics
M16 Stylistics
M17 Semantics & Pragmatics
M18 MA Thesis Research Proposal

M.A. Thesis Writing & Training